How to Undo in Notion
Made a mistake in Notion? You’ll want to undo it. Unfortunately, the dedicated Undo tool baked into the service doesn’t work quite as intended (evidence of that here and here), but there is a workaround. Here’s how to undo in Notion.
Before we move on, we should note that this workaround isn’t entirely reliable – it has been known to fail on the odd occasion. That’s because it’s relying on your machine to keep a log of the last change you made, in order to undo it.
So, how do you undo something in Notion without using the feature’s own Undo tool? You’re going to use your machine’s equivalent. The easiest way to do this on Mac is by pressing CMD + Z and on Windows, CTRL + Z.
Seeing as this relies on your machine, it will work on Notion for Mac and Notion for Windows, as well as Notion Web. Both iOS also has its own Undo features built-in. Sadly, though, Android users are out of luck – for now, at least.
- Mac: CMD + Z
- Windows: CTRL + Z
- iOS: Shake iPhone back and forth and select Undo.